Re: [NTLK] MP 130 vs. MP 120

From: David Ensteness (
Date: Wed Nov 19 2003 - 07:59:26 PST

The 130 is quite a bit faster in my understanding. I have a 2000
upgrade, a 2100, and a 120b [b has Newton OS 2.0, a has Newton OS 1.3].

I have used a 120a for extensive periods and it was fast enough for me.
What I have noticed is that the 120b is much nicer due to OS 2.0 but it
is a lot slower. The 130 has quite a bit more RAM for both system and
storage and I assume that would be the pickup.

Oh and having a backlite rules.


On Nov 19, 2003, at 2:44 AM, Brian Middleton wrote:

> Hi..
> I'm new here. Don't even have a Newton yet. I'm about to buy a MP130
> and was just wondering, is there any advantage that the 130 has over
> the 120 besides the backlight? I have seen the 120s go for pretty cheap
> on ebay, where the 130 seems to be at a little more of a premium (but
> not much more). I really like the backlight feature, which is why I
> wanna go for the 130.
> Can't wait to get my Newt. Not even sure what I will do with it yet..
> -brian

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