Re: [NTLK] "Slapping your cells silly" {Battery treatment revisited}

From: Andrei Chichak (
Date: Thu Apr 29 2004 - 08:11:36 PDT

> The IT gurus showed me a trick: the hard drive
>would be physically dropped from a height of roughly two or three feet, on
>to a
>counter top! The IT guys explained to me that this could be done once, as a
>last-ditch effort to make the damn thing spin a bit longer.

When I worked tech support, we would have this happen quite regularly. The
drive would just not want to spin up. What I would do is pick up the box
and give it a quick rotational jerk in plane of the platters of the disk.
This would give the platters enough momentum that the stepper motor could
then take over. Take a backup and replace the disk.

>Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get started on my letter to "Car Talk".

Say hello to Click, Clack, and Burman for me please.


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