[NTLK] How to encourage members to contribute hardware/software/ancillary support?

From: MKow1234_at_aol.com
Date: Tue Aug 31 2004 - 10:55:21 PDT

While recognizing that nobody needs to feel obligated to contribute support
to the Newton Worldwide Community, I pose the question:
"What can be done to inspire other Newtontalk list members to contribute
toward the continual growth and development of the Newton platform?"

Some great projects seem to be in the works, albeit through the efforts of
only a handful of Newton programmers and developers. Another handful of folks
show their support by maintaining web archives for the Community. Still
another small group (myself included) add new volumes to the existing Newton eBook
library collection.

The ratio of users to supporters is top-heavy, like an inverted iceberg.
Among members of the Newton Worldwide Community, a policy of "no obligation
necessary to join" seems to cultivate an atmosphere more ambivelent and
entertainment-seeking than philanthropic.

It may be foolish, but I cling to the belief that every member can bring
value to the Community, if only they would step to the plate. The contribution
could take a variety of forms: new software, hardware experimentation, new
eBooks, etc. So I say, be brave, step forward, experiment, disassemble your Newton
to see what makes it tick, seek out interesting and educational
copyright-free texts for conversion to the Newton eBook platform, write to developers of
discontinued and demo software, learn to program in Basic and Newtonscript.
Your Community needs you.

What is that dissenting voice in the back row? You don't have the time to
contribute? Nonsense! If folks have time to speculate incessantly about Steve
Jobs, what the Newton might have been, where to get good poutine, why Apple is
better than Microsoft or Linux is better than whomever, then there is time to
figure out ways to help strengthen our platform.
That should still leave plenty of spare time for idle speculation and
off-topic ramblings.

There are some really smart people in this Community. If people would like
to get involved, just ask on this bulletin board. There shouldn't be any
shortage of ideas for projects, research papers, etc.

This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries
Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/
WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/

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