Re: [NTLK] Newbie

From: RAParker (RAParker_at_Quadzilla.NET)
Date: Thu Dec 23 2004 - 11:28:50 PST

On Wednesday, December 22, 2004, at 06:40 PM, Woody Smith wrote:
>> Firstly, what's the simplest way to connect my newton to ay iBook G4
>> (running OSX)?
> The 120 has a serial port and the iBook does not. so the simplest
> connection i know of is to get a Keyspan USB/serial adapter for the
> ibook, install the OS X driver and use NewTen on the mac to install
> package

I concur! I use a Keyspan USA-28 Mac Serial to USB adapter (bought on
eBay: $18.75 shipped) and it works without question.

I prefer the traditional Connection/Backup utilities running in Classic
Mode. There are a few tricks to getting them all installed properly
(booting into OS 9). Once installed, the classic apps work seemlessly
in OS X. I DO wish I could get the (theoretical) 112k bps speeds that
you can see when using the LocalTalk mode on a "real" LocalTalk serial
port. But, even at 38.4k, it's convenient and reliable.

> Look at the FAQ and Wiki links at the bottom of this email.

Also, use the searchable archives for NewtonTalk...very powerful, very

>> Also, are linear flash cards the only way to expand the memory, or
>> would other (and cheaper) cards work as well?

It's tough to find just the right card. It is Linear Flash only on the
120, and very specific types of cards too. It took me two eBay
purchases but I picked up a 28MB Linear Flash for my v2.0 MP120 ($30)
and I've been very happy with its capacity.

Right now, Frank Grundel is offering a free 20MB card by joining the
Worldwide Newton Association. You can always email him (even on the
list) and he can test it for compatibility with your specific Newton

Check these two links out:

Welcome to the community!


Sent using Mail for Mac OS X. Cyberdog lives!
    |\ | @ Quadzilla.NET
My name is R A Parker. I own a Newton and a Mac.
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