Re: [NTLK] CF Card question

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Mon Feb 02 2004 - 22:01:51 PST

Aux environs du 2/02/04 à 18:28 -0800, sous le titre "[NTLK] CF Card
question", Sonya Hipper prit sa plus belle plume pour écrire les mots
>Has anyone experimented with CompactFlash (CF) adapter cards for
>Bluetooth, WiFi (802.11b), Ethernet, or 56k modem on the Newt?
>I've been thinking that a good way to go might be just having a CF
>adapter card in my top slot, with CF cards at the ready (though I was a
>bit crestfallen to find out that the Newtoon can't output stereo
>sound...would have been nice to not to still feel so much lust for an
>iPod :-P).

There's no reason a CF card wouldn't work with an adapter. CF
adapters are passive components. You just need software to get them
working, i.e. you can only use CF cards that you have drivers for.

I think Ronnie has a Bluetooth Newton compatible CF card with an
adapter and he got it working on Saturday. I don't recall which one
it is, though.


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