From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Thu Jan 01 2004 - 14:53:55 PST
Happy New Year, Newtonia, and may your 2004 be as grand as this Newtonian's
I'm well. Came home at 4:30h, woke up at 9:00h, got up at 2:00 pm... Ooops,
missed a couple hours inbetween - maybe I should install StandAlone
Software's KeepTime! ;=}
What a party - I haven't seen such enthusiastic and quality dancing
evah before! By Jove, I'd have never expected such dramatic effects from
playing old Disco singles in public, they was all "feeling Disco-good" and
"Boogieing down". Huh. Is Disco the dark side of the force?
While pondering this question of life and death, I haven't forgotten you of
course. For this delightful Eighth Day of Christmas I give you another
Conan-story, Shadows in Zamboula: "Peril hides in the house of Aram Baksh!"
- but when has the Cimmerian ever listened to good advice? And so he takes
up lodging at Aram Baksh's tavern, and the tale begins...
Get it from an UNNA near you soon, or the undersigner now.
P.S.. Thanks for all the folks voicing their concerns bc about my
well-being. I'll take it easy for a couple of weeks and grow my liver back.
Honestly, the doc said if I stop drinking, my liver would fit again in a
handcart by end of winter. Good news? You bet! ;=}
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