From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Sat Jan 03 2004 - 01:11:22 PST
Aux environs du 2/01/04 à 19:50 -0600, sous le titre "Re: [NTLK]
Belated Christmas Present (nsTools)", Spacelord Carpman prit sa plus
belle plume pour écrire les mots suivants:
>Well, I stand corrected about not being able to build. As a side note,
>with c++ 3.3.3, I'm getting a flood of "cc1plus: warning:
>"-Wmissing-declarations" is valid for C/ObjC but not for C++".
Fixed. Thanks for the report.
>trivial, it compiled just fine. NSOF != newton .pkg format, is there
>code in DCL to read/write .pkgs?
It's planned to go in DCL/Package/ but there is none yet. I have yet
to move to the DCL my toolchain related to packages (but they're
really simple snipplets I wrote 5 years ago, the thing is that they
were compiled with MPW and calls some Mac only functions, I want
something that uses DCL abstractions for files to be compatible with
all platforms the DCL supports).
In the meanwhile, you can use Philz' Package Splitter. I believe that
his tool will create part files that you can then parse with
NSOFtoXML for every part that are in NSOF format.
BTW, I also fixed the conflict with LaHotte. Thanks for pointing this out.
Finally, I fixed that test problem. I'm using DebugStr on MacOS and
kill with SIGINT on POSIX targets and both don't produce the same
output, since when no debugger is present, DebugStr simply yields to
a printf while kill with SIGINT kills the program. I've just splitted
this test in ns-references-debugstr and ns-references-kill. It seems
to work on both my box and misato:
[10:03]~/<2>_Tests_/scripts(45)> ./
Test ns-references-debugstr : SUCCES
Test ns-references-kill : NON DISPONIBLE
[4:07]~/<3>_Tests_/scripts(9)> ./
Test ns-references-debugstr : NON DISPONIBLE
Test ns-references-kill : SUCCES
So tomorrow (always tomorrow), misato nightly build will include
LaHotte and NSOFtoXML (thanks for pointing out the problem there) and
all tests should pass, unless we break something until then ;)
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