From: Karel Jansens_oud (
Date: Mon Jan 05 2004 - 05:13:18 PST
Op ma 05-01-2004, om 12:57 schreef Robert Benschop:
> On 5-jan-04, at 12:30, Eric Schneck wrote:
> > Mentions some of the Newton's early competitors:
> >>
> The story links to "The Bad, The Ugly, and the Just Plain Dumb"
> <,4149,18004,00.asp?
> kc=pcyh103129tx1btt00586> where the Newton actually has the 'honor' to
> rank number 3...
That article -- not surprisingly written by Dvorak the Dumb -- contains
so many errors it is not funny anymore.
"the now-defunct third mouse button"! Well, that actually figures:
Dvorak is too intellectually challenged to have ever heard of the X
Windowing System, let alone actually have used it.
NeXT computer "a monument to hubris"? Puuhhhlease, NeXT boxes worked
very well, and compared to today's hardware requirments, they were
actually lean 'n mean machines.
Where's Bob on his list? Was it too embarrassing for Dvorak's overlords
to have him mention it other than as a sidebar? "An interesting product
that was impossible to sell", yeah right.
I'm sorry, I have to stop now; I think I'm popping a vain...
Karel Jansens
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