From: Tom Zahm (
Date: Mon Jan 05 2004 - 12:51:58 PST
When I used an MP120 as my principal Newt, I did PPP to my NeXT via
serial line. I had the ppp daemon watching that physical port (rather
than the terminal server). "Net" result -- the NeXT functioned as the
world's largest NIC, providing a direct connection to the rest of my
home network and the internet. I used it mostly for fetching my email
(back in the pre-spam days), employing the
check-for-mail-at-a-specific-time feature of the mail tool I was using.
When I got up in the morning, my email was on the MP120, ready for
reading at my convenience. As I recall, I could also do telnet, ftp,
Since Mac OS X is based on BSD, I'll bet the same thing can be done,
using a USB-oldSerial converter if necessary.
I'm sure the details for configuring both ends of the ppp link are
still out on the net somewhere. If not, give me a holler, and I'll see
if I don't still have a printed copy.
Yours in Newtondom,
Tom Zahm
> From: "Russell,Allen" < >
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Roamer PC card? Network for 130?
> Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2004 15:32:11 -0500
> You could make a dial-up PPP connection to your server using NIE 1.1.
> I
> don't know anything about the Roamer. But you cannot use an ethernet
> card
> (wired or wireless) with the MP130. Brian McEwen tried this 3 years
> ago
> with my Farallon Ethernet card in his MP130. He tried loading the
> proper
> NewtonDevices package to talk to the Farallon card. He tried a few
> other
> things. It didn't work.
> So the rule remains:
> NOS 2.0 is ok for dial-up TCP/IP
> NOS 2.0 cannot be used for Ethernet TCP/IP
> NOS 2.1 is ok for Ethernet TCP/IP
> >Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2004 10:46:19 -0500
> >Subject: Re: [NTLK] Roamer PC card? Network for 130?
> >From: Marchie < >
> >On Saturday, January 3, 2004, at 11:58 PM, Martin Joseph wrote:
> >> You can't use the 130 for any type networking beyond serial, AFAIK
> due
> >> to the lack of support for NIE in it's later form.
> >The FAQ says the Raomer is the ONE Ethernet-ish card that works.
> >If I can make a PPP/SLIP connection on the DNS server I'm installing,
> I
> >could network that way... might be an option.
> >But w/ the network I alreay have in place, it'd be nice to use that.
> >~Donald
> *
> /// BOC
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