From: Martin Joseph (
Date: Thu Jan 08 2004 - 23:27:38 PST
On Jan 8, 2004, at 10:14 PM, Nick M. wrote:
> On Jan 9, 2004, at 5:23 AM, Martin Joseph wrote:
>> It's certainly thinking different then the 20th Anniversary mac
>> nonsense.Now that was a travesty...
> Sorry, how was the TAM a travesty?
It was a travesty in several respects. It occupied an inordinate
amount of time in R&D before becoming a modified version of the
performa 6400. It cost 7500$ US . They built a total of 12,000.
While the machine itself is nice, as a project for the company it was
a complete waste of resources. They couldn't even sell the 12,000 they
built and had to eventually slash prices to half and less to clear
So it was a cool idea, but not good business. That is what I meant by
a travesty.
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