From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Sat Jan 10 2004 - 00:25:23 PST
Aux environs du 10/01/04 à 9:18 +0100, sous le titre "Re: [NTLK]
[NTLK][OT] macworld 04 pix", Jon Glass prit sa plus belle plume pour
écrire les mots suivants:
>on 1/9/04 10:15 PM, John Anderson at wrote:
>> We'll (conservatively) suppose that there are 80 engineers, managers,
>> product managers, and QA techs working directly on the iLife suite.
>I think you are overrating the size of the team. I don't think there were
>even half that many working on the Newton when it was being developed, and
>it was a hardware/software team... I don't imagine more than a small
>handful, and if that number fit on one hand, even then I wouldn't be
>surprised... I opened iPhoto's "About" window, and there are _no_ credits!
This is because no one actually works on iPhoto ;)
BTW, John Anderson who posted this originally works for Apple in the
QT Streaming team if I can recollect properly.
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