From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 06:11:38 PST
>From: "Gareth S. Long" <>
>Subject: [NTLK] Newton MAME
>Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 12:58:46 -0000
>My initial idea is that I produce a 'MiniMAME' with support for all the
>games which the Newton would be able to successfully play. This will at
>least include pretty much all of the 70's/early 80's games and all the
>favourites will be in there like Pac-man, Galaxians, Space Invaders etc.
>The footprint of these games is small too (and they'll be zipped). I
>design mobile phones by day, and the 2100 is still more capable than any
>of the smartphones, which usually run a 120MHz ARM9 (for the OS) and a
>39MHz ARM7 (for GSM etc).
Yes, please, this would be *very* much appreciated! The best news I had
this year, possiby. Looks like part of all my Newton-dreams come true.
Q: Will nMAME be OS2.1 *only*, or will you allow it to be run on 2.0, too?
Next week, somebody pls. announce a Gameboy-emulator for Newton, and in
February, I'd love to see the announcement for a Van Basco-styled karaoke
player (check, that's SO much fun with the proper
tunes, e.g. KISS! ;=} ). For March, how about that Roland 404-emulating
DrumPad I've been whining about (think MusicPad meets ScratchPad plus some
- oh why only didn't Matt Spolin marry his two apps to one loving
package!?). April should bring the Lego Mindstorms nSDK, etc. etc.
>Use of the keyboard or 'hot zones' on the screen for direction control
>is an idea, though I'd appreciate any ideas that you all may have.
Last fall some people incl. Victor talked about using cheap plastic-cased
keypads. I'd asked folks bc about the possibilities of using these simple
plastic massproduction pieces e.g. glued on to the inside of a Newton's lid
and connected via serial, to be used as e.g. GamePads... Seemed generally
feasible, but enthusiasm to try it and write drivers was not too great.
Some people *do* work on keyboard issues, though, and with the Newton
Keyboard and the Stowaway, there are two solutions readily available.
Hopefully more, soon, with the additional motiviation that your nMAME would
offer the resident Newton keyboard hacktivists. ;=}
Q: One thing I never got properly figured out: How many serial ports do
which Newton models internally have? Does MP1x0 only have one or two? Does
2xk have two or three (I've found both quoted somewhere) and would they
work simultaneously? This might even make plugging *two* gamepads (or
keyboards) into the green brick possible.
>I was also involved in the MESS project from the beginning. This is an
>emulator (available on Mac, PC and a lot of other systems) designed for
>emulating computer and console-based systems.
Q: Could it help emulating a Gameboy on a Newton?
>Anyway, these are all thoughts. Let me know what you think!
Gareth, this is beautiful. Not that I've been much of a gamester myself
(never owned a Gameboy, e.g.), but I always thought that the Newton would
be a really nice home-and-away portable entertainment machine, starting
right with MP 120, if only there would be entertaining stuff to do with it.
There's always been a good amount of serious and business apps on the
market, but that's not where the Newton is today. It's either with looney
fanatics or in the hand of former nFanatics's keedz. So, give them
something to entertain themselves and others - they don't need a business
expense calculator or whatever, they need cool and fun stuff.
I'm using my Newton daily for about two hours at least. Why? Because I have
found my killer app - Project Gutenberg. And all the nice Newton Books you
can find at UNNA and elsewhere. If I use the Newton for anything else, I'm
grateful for not having to handle another device, my MP 130 does not only
let me read free books, but do other stuff, too, and that really helps me,
but that's not why I'd have bought one, it's always a pleasant surprise, a
side benefit. - I think nMAME (or a Gameboy-emu or more audio-stuff) would
get more people to try the Newton, and then find out about all the nice
side-benefits they get all rolled in one bundle, and they'll be really
happy about getting more then they expected to get. ****And that's what the
Newton is about: Being more than you'd ever thought it would be.***
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