From: N8NOE (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 11:19:56 PST
I'll try that...
I use to have something, that I used to use
for the signal, but Have NO IDEA what it was..
I had used it in Michigan for checking my system,
And even looking in the Back-ups I have cant find it
or a name that rings a bell... I just got the Newton Here
in Texas, and got it Wireless into the system, So I'm back having
fun Newtoning!...
Thanks for the Help, I'll see if that will work, and keep Looking for
the Util..
On Jan 12, 2004, at 12:53 PM, Tom Zahm wrote:
> I know that the driver for the 802.11b-incompatible Proxim cards
> included a signal strength feature.
> Yours in Newtondom,
> Tom Zahm
>> Anyone Remember the name of the Utility
>> that would give you the signal strength of the
>> Wireless signal?... I have just received my Newt
>> here in Texas, and been working on it for a bit.
>> It's been a while and I'm feeling like a Newby to
>> this again....
>> Thanks, Jeff
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