From: Rick Ludwig (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 18:50:24 PST
I use mine hourly. You should see the looks I get when I use it during
a meeting or mount it about my laptop at work (I found that the plastic
things most people use for holding folders, actually works well to be
able to view my notes as a viewable height just above my laptop).
People at Starbucks don't seem to notice in the least, mostly because
alot of people have gadgets of their own.
My BIGGEST problem, and I'd be VERY curious to know how other people
solve this, is how to carry the thing! I've tried a variety of ways,
but none seem to be convienant and/or not completely geeky. The best
way I've come up with is to always carry a backpack (which is so bad,
because I can also carry my camera then).
The REAL geek looks come when I'm at lunch and connect the keyboard
(it's not known for it's soft keyboard).
On Jan 12, 2004, at 9:12 AM, David Deranian wrote:
> Hi Everyone-
> Here's a quick question for some of you more seasoned Newton users. How
> many of you use your Newton in public places like a retail store? For
> instance, how many of you pull out your Newton in a store to log a
> purchase into PocketMoney while you're still standing at the checkout
> counter? And if you don't do that because it's inconvenient or too
> "geek-like", what strategy do you use for entering data into your
> Newton on a daily basis? Do you save up your receipts in paper form,
> then enter them into your Newton at the end of the day? Or do you wait
> until the end of the week?
> Just curious how other folks integrate their Newton into their
> day-to-day routine out on the street.
> Thanks,
> -Dave
> --
> David Deranian
> Digital Arts & Sciences, Inc.
> Communication Arts
> for the Digital Age
> --
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