From: Steven Frank (
Date: Tue Jan 13 2004 - 11:31:35 PST
On my blog, I wrote an entry about how you can use a cheap Merlin G100
PCMCIA cellular modem card to get online wirelessly with a PowerBook,
using an existing T-Mobile SIM card and data account:
The interesting thing about this card is when I shove it into my
Newton, it says "A communications card has been inserted" which gives
me great hope that it can work with the Newt too.
All that really needs to be done is to treat it like a modem card, and
send it a dialing string something like:
And the card should respond with CONNECT, followed by PPP frames. At
least, that was my observation on the PowerBook.
I tried setting up the Newton up to dial *99***#, but it didn't seem to
like the leading asterisk, and kept stripping it out. Another issue,
is the Newt seems to require DNS addresses be entered manually rather
than getting them from the server.
It feels like I'm very very close to getting it working, but I'm just
missing a couple key bits of Newton knowledge.
If anyone out there is interested in helping me get this to work, I'm
sure it would be very very useful info for the Newton community in
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