From: Dan (
Date: Thu Jan 15 2004 - 15:06:41 PST
> As for Availworks being able to do footnotes, I am not sure. I will
> look
> that up. But you can do footnotes with WorksBetter from Standalone
> (should
> be on UNNA).
Excellent, thanks Dan! I was just thinking, "too bad that database
isn't up and running yet. Maybe I could find something in there!
Looks like I'll be volunteering to write up some packages myself.
You are welcome. As for Availworks, I double checked and it does not have
the ability to do headers or footers. Of course you can find ways around
that by doing separate documents, but it is not a "built in" feature. Some
other things I probably should mention about it:
-It does have a spellcheck, but it does not suggest words, only identify
words that it does not know.
-It is based on a normal sheet of paper size and you can't adjust the
margins. So you end up scrolling 3 times wide and about that length per
page. Gets annoying after a bit. It seems to base the size of the paper by
the default paper size set in the newton. So if you can find a way insert a
custom paper size that is just a screen wide, it would really add to the
word processor ability.
-It does have export to notes, but not import unless you put text in the
clipboard first then drop it in Availworks
-It does have export and import to a standard terminal program, and it does
work quite well. Just make sure you set how many pages you want the
document BEFORE you do the dump, or it may cut it off if it does not have
enough room. Also if you have a large document to import/export make sure
the newton does not fall asleep in the middle, so set that to never sleep
during the transfer.
-One of the best things about this program is what you see is what you get
as far as layout is concerned for printout or fax. And the clipart is
useable in any Newton app, just copy it to the clipboard and drop it where
you want.
In short a nice program that works well on a 120. I just wish there was a
way to make the paper width smaller.
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