From: Anil (
Date: Fri Jan 16 2004 - 09:51:54 PST
Nice one Thomas, I can't wait to see your ugly mug when you get an
iSight! But seriously I am glad I could help, because guess what, your
suggestion about switching to an older version of SimpleMail did the
trick and I can now receive email, yey!!!!!!
Talking about whether or not I feel like a geek using my Newton is a
moot point especially because email is one of the brig draws to the
Newton for me. And until now I couldn't get it working, but thanks in
no little part to Thomas, I can use my Newton to help me organise my
life. Which is the point of the little green friend. Isn't it?
Shouldn't the question be, are you an organised geek or just a geek?
Kind regards
Anil K Solanki.
On Jan 16, 2004, at 17:03, Thomas Hart wrote:
> Haaaahhaaahahaahh,
> It works, it works, it works!!!!!! Everything is synched.
> Unfortunately I chose the canadian Holiday calendar as my default, now
> all my work related appointments are read only and duplicated and put
> in funny places etc. But do I care? Not a bit, because I got it to
> synchronize. Now all I need to do is figure out Escale and I will bid
> OS 9 good-bye forever.
> In the end, if anyone actually cares, the problem was software. I know
> it is a stupid mistake, but I was using an older version of the Newton
> Package for NewtSync than 3m and so no communicating was going on.
> maybe that could be stressed in the info or the Newton faq.
> I got responses and helpful hints from a couple of people, but Anil,
> who i think is fairly new to the list, was a big help. Just the fact
> that I had someone to bounce ideas off led me to not only the solution,
> but to a deeper and ultimately more rewarding knowledge of my helpers,
> especially the rather silly fact that once you disconnect a network
> line you have reboot the machine in order to get internet access back
> (I guess Apple wanted to leave us something to remind us of the old
> days). anyway, many thanks to anil for helping me out.
> We were communicating over iChat AV and it occurred to both of us that
> this is an ideal thing for this kind of trouble shooting, so if you
> have the time, and someone has the problem, chat. It is the way
> forward.
> Until next I screw something up,
> Thomas
> p.s. next week I am going to use voicenotes for an interview so think
> good things.
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