From: Dan (
Date: Fri Jan 16 2004 - 14:33:10 PST
>Well. First, the Newt is set to ask for a password on
>power-up once a day. The password screen has my name
>and number.
>I also have ID tags in several places including inside
>All passwords and secure information is stored in
>GeekSafe. Sure, it's not encrypted, but since most
>people wouldn't know how to navigate the Newt anyway,
>Call me paranoid, but I am a firm believer in backups,
The PIN, name/number and ID tags are all very good ideas. I don't have ID
tags, but I may install some now.
I Agree about GeekSafe. Most won't have any idea how to bypass it. And if
anything will probably delete the data (figuring it will be encrypted
anyway), but I doubt they would get past the first PIN to begin with. I
have used other forms of password storage, but so far they were too much
trouble or got VERY slow when a large list of passwords developed.
Very true about backups. One cannot have too many. And probably a card is
the safest. Unless the memory card fails, but that will happen during the
backup so you will know. NCU is pretty reliable as long as you make a new
(not incremental) backup and when the backup finishes you are still
connected. If your newton disconnects (when you have "stay connected"
setting on). Then something is not right. I personally have not had any
problems with incremental backups, but others have so I "play it safe" and
always do a full backup.
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