From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Sat Jan 17 2004 - 11:40:37 PST
On 17-jan-04, at 15:35, Dan wrote:
> That is another reason to do backups, you find "problems" sooner and
> often
> have a better idea of what is causing the problem (bad data, package
> etc).
> As for a clean up utility, have you tried running SBM utilites doctor?
Don;t have it and haven't ever needed it (so far at least ;-)
> It might find the problem. Also if you do need to look at them one by
> one, I
> would suggest looking at the earlier entries. The reason being if it
> only
> did 10% and since Newton stores each name sequentally in the soup, it
> should
> be fairly early in the soup. I would say start at the 90th entry and
> look
> over them via a soup editor.
I ended up looking through them from the beginning and found some
Looks like ,y Newt in trying to move them from internal to the card
lost it's way.
So I gambled and deleted all Names and imported the Claris Organizer
file and so far everything seems o.k.
Haven't checked yet if I can do an export to CO now though...
Robert Benschop
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