From: Anil (
Date: Sat Jan 17 2004 - 16:12:27 PST
How exactly is newbie supposed to know the entire history of this list?
I have read the info at, below is an extract from that
Is there anything I should not post to the list?
You should not post subscribe or unsubscribe requests to the list.
The basic rule is that as long as your post has some content related to
the primary subject of the list, and does not contain much off-topic
material, then it is fine for the list. Specifically, for almost every
list, this will immediately rule out many or all commercial ads,
on how to make money (such as MAKE MONEY FAST), sociology surveys, help
with homework, hot international news, and requests for people to send
birthday greetings to your friend.
Also, you should not post inflammatory (aka flame) mail to the list. It
perfectly fine to disagree with people publicly, but be careful how you
it. For example, if you think someone is lying on a subject, it may be
fine to say ``Betty's claims about Wilma's hair stylist are a lie,'' but
it is over the line to say ``Betty is a liar''.
If someone posts something with which you are in particular agreement,
that's great. You should not, however, follow up to the list with a post
containing no more than ``Me too!'' or ``Right on, brother!'' If you
something of substance to add to the discussion, then by all means do
but if you simply wish to express a simple agreement, then do it in
private mail.
Over 80% of the posts don't comply with at least one of the points
above. I read the rules joined the list, and when I question why these
rules aren't adhered to I get told to wait till I have been on the list
a while (unspecified amount of time) before I start making comments.
Why the heck doesn't the web page info simply state Poutine is popular
and please fell free to chit chat and organise your personal life on
this list.
Perhaps others should read the above excerpt before giving me advice. I
read the label on the tin it said "Newton" I open the can and I get
"Poutine". Why did they create the etiquette and other guidelines if
people ignore them.
Kind regards
On Jan 17, 2004, at 23:53, Norman Palardy wrote:
> On 17-Jan-04, at 4:27 PM, Anil wrote:
>> Jeez this is a list about a piece of computer hardware, some people
>> here act like I broke one of the Ten commandments. Thou shall not dis
>> the list, how dare I.
> Assuming it's strictly "a list about a piece of computer hardware"
> means you miss the fact that this list is also a social gathering of
> people happen to have an interest in the same piece of hardware.
> There's more to the list that just "how to fix ..." and "how do i..."
> kinds of things.
> There are many people here who are good friends and they use this as a
> way to keep that friendship and share their common interest.
> Missing that means that you will likely not be part of "the club" for
> some time.
> --
> This is the NewtonTalk list - for all
> inquiries
> List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms:
> Official Newton FAQ:
-- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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