From: Woo Lee (
Date: Sat Jan 17 2004 - 18:08:01 PST
What I did was answer a question from a 'newbie' pointing to facts stored
in the archive. The 'other' list member yelled back trying to sound like a
Most newbies are unaware of the vast data stored in the archive at . I was trying to help point someone in the right
direction. The history of list member actions are relevent and helpful to
those who don't know what has transpired on this list.
Besides, every 'tift' I get blamed for ends up in a fun tangent thread that
lightens up the mood, see, the 'list etiqutte thread' is very funny if not
'high-class'. :-o
>How about spending the energy these people have trying to help folks who
are using the Newton and perhaps have problems, isn't this what the list is
essentially all about.
!ooW %-)
Pres. of LA Newton Users Group!...over $teve's Live Body.
A NewtonAddict on MacAddictYr2003!
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