From: Woo Lee (
Date: Sun Jan 18 2004 - 21:28:01 PST
You can also check lots of info. including the Newton.
SimpleMail has a slot/field in the 'Owner Info.', check the settings in
there in addition to the Internet Setup.
I use for email on the Newt...
90% EnRoute 1.4.3b1
09% SimpleMail 4.3(newer?)
01% Eudora 1.1
>The solution to my problem was to install an older version of Simplemail
and I can now use email. I have tried to figure out how to find out which
version i am now using, but I have looked and I can't seem to find the
Version number. Thanks to Thomas for his assistance
>with my problem, it is much appreciated.
!ooW %-)
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