From: David M. Ensteness (
Date: Mon Jan 19 2004 - 22:07:54 PST
Really, really good! That is my experience.
Here are my system specs:
Mac OS X 10.3.2
iCal 1.5.2
NewtSync 3m
Newton OS 2.1
MoreInfo 5.0.5/Dates
NewtSync 3m
I synced over my home network, the Newton was connected via a 10T card
and my Pismo was connected via AirPort.
After being completely overridden with work that has kept me from
playing with cool Newton toys for a while I just installed and ran
TextSync 0.1.1, AddressSyncPlus 0.4, and To-DoSync 0.2. Backup up my
Newton and my AddressBook and ran em.
It worked well over all, the Notes functionality is very nice, I like
that it tosses notes into their own folders just like they are on my
Newton, the naming scheme for them is not the prettiest but it is
appreciated all the same. I uploaded and downloaded and while I got
some failures downloading notes [due to characters, symbols, etc .. I
believe], it worked fine. I would love to see .rtf files supported but
I can see where that could be both hard and restrictive. This new .txt
support is excellent and makes my Notes far, far more useful.
iCal syncing failing but that is a NewtSync issue not Glass Onion, just
thought I would note it hear in case our friend Mr. Everchanging reads
this ;-) NewtSync reported to me that my version of iCal was not 1.5.1
or newer so failed [I updated to 1.5.2 this morning and I am using NS
Since my iCal did not sync with Dates I can't tell you how well the
To-DoSync worked.
AddressSync Plus seemed to work well. Companies were not synced which
is always a disappointment but I didn't look to see if that is
supported yet or not. Honestly I did not test this plug-in extensively
because my addresses are far to disorganized for me to really evaluate
things. I will say that it updated existing records on my Mac correctly
from my Newton and that made me very happy. I am interested in seeing
how the note syncing of names records works. One thing I can say did
not work was that not all my records were synced. I have 199 names in
my Mac OS X AddressBook and while I don't know how many are on my
Newton ... its a lot, and not all of them are now in my OS X
AddressBook so something did not work.
My list of wishes?
.rtf support
a way to dump sketches from the Newton
support for companies syncing
dumping and uploading of NewtWorks files such as papers and spreadsheets
My list of complaints?
eh ... none really, hoping iCal 1.5.2 (assuming that was the iCal
problem) will work with NewtSync soon and happily awaiting future
plug-in updates.
If anything I would like tweaking of the naming scheme for the notes
dumped with TextSync. The folders all end with a notation at the end
that they are from HyperNewt and the files themselves have a number at
the front of them, all I can assume is that it denotes a note is say
the "134th" note made or something. Regardless, its not a big
That is about it.
I can't wait for the OmniOutliner plug-in to come into public
distribution, sounds very exciting. As someone who uses a lot of
checklists on his Newton it will be very useful.
Thanks a ton NoWhereMan you are keeping us Newton users out here in www
land alive and well. And thanks to John Anderson and everyone else who
has contributed to developing NewtSync, it has come huge leaps and
bounds since two years ago when I started using it, please keep up the
excellent development.
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