From: Bret Feinblatt (
Date: Tue Jan 20 2004 - 15:35:35 PST
Hi - I'm a bit new to this site. I've had a Newton 2000 (upgraded to
2100) for about three years, and use it every day, and a 110 which I've
had since 1998, and keep around mainly (1) because it wouldn't bring
much on eBay, what with no backlight and NOS 1 only; and (2) they still
look really cool.
This isn't just an intro, I've also got a technical question
My Newton's been doing this weird thing lately where it will restart
for no apparent reason (while not even on) several times per day. It's
been going on at least a month, possibly longer. I had a look inside,
on the theory that maybe something was going on with the reset switch,
but no signs of foreign objects.
Any ideas what might be going on?
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