From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Wed Jan 21 2004 - 07:01:47 PST
On 21-jan-04, at 15:42, wrote:
> Where can I find it? I tried the unna archives, but can't see it.
> Is it still a commercial product?
Looks like it.
I literally tried all of them realizing that the Names part of the
Newton was very important for my job (close to 100 Names now and
counting) and thought that most solutions were quiet terrible, but fell
absolutely in love with this one...
Quicknames Pro was my second choice IIRC, liked that fast access to
often used names but think that the search options weren't extensive
Also seem to remember that it didn't have the great way of entering
names the way AA let's you do it (instead of the terrible and endless
way of Names itself, the most hideous thing they did in OS 2.1) t
This is all from years back though, I was a very early 200 adopter ;-)
Robert Benschop
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