From: Andrei Chichak (
Date: Wed Jan 21 2004 - 09:27:46 PST
>Does anyone think a USB port could be made to
>work directly on a Newton?
It depends on what you expect it to do.
Host side USB would be out of the question as the interface chips are
typically built into PCI chipsets and the protocol stack is big enough to
stun a GNU.
Device side USB to make the Newt look like a serial port that just happens
to be plugged into a Newt permanently may be doable with something like
FTDI's FT232BM chip, see
It's not trivial, it's not a chip that you can pick up at digikey, and a
bunch of people would probably REALLY have to want one for someone to take
the risk of producing some.
( Obligatory filter trip line - Poutine, Woo, Ferdi, Viagra, Nigeria )
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