From: Dave Bellamy (
Date: Wed Jan 21 2004 - 13:28:56 PST
I tried to email the guy from one of the sites that were selling X-Port
but it was a dead address so no luck there. Do you use yours to
transfer word processing docs between your desktop and newt. This is
the real point of me getting a Newt, that and the fact they are just so
much cooler than a Nexio. If X-Port could do all the things I currently
use nSync, and NewTen for and also allow me to transfer documents then
it would be all good.
On Thursday, January 22, 2004, at 10:21 AM, Luiz Petroni wrote:
>> My question is therefore will it run through Classic if the software
>> is
>> installed in OS9?
> Can the original programmer be contacted so that we can ask with him if
> he can do such project, tell us if is it even possible and how much
> would the final application cost?
> lpetroni
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