From: Eckhart Köppen (
Date: Thu Jan 22 2004 - 11:11:00 PST
On Thu, 22 Jan 2004 12:04:21 -0500 (EST), Donald Wilson wrote:
> But, in names when you click "Add" you can hit custom and add custom
> fields, and these fields are then available to all names.
Ok, that might be a working solution, haven't though about it.
> I might take a look at the code for ICVC and see what might be done... I
> think the painful part for the user would be typing in the exact header
> tag from the vcard into the newton ie:
> vCard field: X-AIM;type=HOME; NewtonField: AIM Home
> vCard field: NOTE: NewtonField: Notes
Of course you could also just hardcode a mapping for all possible
Address Book fields (there are not that many) to get a first working
The code you want to modify is in the "Put Away Transport", function
"MCreateNamesEntry". Let me know if need help there, I hope it is more
or less straightforward (e.g. the value of the X-AIM field will be
stored in the card frame like this: card.x-aim.value := "...").
Printing the card frame might be a good start to see what the vCard
parser produces.
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