From: lvr (
Date: Thu Jan 22 2004 - 23:38:57 PST
Now that ethernet connection is a topic again (albeit 2 days ago- that's
how far back I am in the Digests), I want to repeat a (very basic) Q again
for which I got no reply:
When backing up (NCU) my ump2000 to my Mac using a x-over cable (I recently
tried a hub as well) the backup proceed till it gets to the 32MB Pretec
card and then abrubtly aborts with a -10601 (?) error. I have a very old
backup of the card, so it did work in the past. .pkg installations work
Fot some time now I also cannot initiate any of NCU's options from the Mac
side; I have to do it on the Newton. This Q was asked a long time ago by
someone else, but I cannot trace any response(s).
If its 'preferences' on the Newt's side, which ones?
Any advice appreciated.
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