From: Newtopia (
Date: Fri Jan 23 2004 - 07:31:31 PST
Here's a simple action, turn off SSID broadcast. In the same vane, those who
are intent on breaking in will find this through sniffing, your neighbor
will never know you're even running a WiFi to begin with... The other day I
had to hard reset my router and forgot to reconfigure it because of my
haste, then went to connect and couldn't see my SSID, mainly because I
didn't define it yet. So I logged in to configure and decided to leave the
SSID as default and turn off the broadcast of the SSID, and what do you know
- no see it.
I live in range of an Intel campus and I can see one of their WiFi's, surely
they can see mine, and you can bet that some bored engineer would love to
use their technology to screw around with neighbors, at lest my thoughts. So
I started out with 128-bit WEP, registered MAC's only, turned off network
access while not actively using it, a hex looking SSID, broadcast off,
changed the router password and the SSID weekly, etc... Now I only have SSID
Broadcast turned off. I get more time to sleep.
Paul Curtis - USA/OR
MP 120 v2.0/130/2100
Michigan State Spartans - Go Green! Go White!
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Anil
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 5:09 AM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Problem with WiFi
Thanks Brian,
I see your point but what you are suggesting is to simply the leave the
door open allowing anyone to join my Network and use my connection and
Sure it is possible for stuff to be cracked, if it's manmade then it is
crackable, that's the way I see it. But surely 128 BIT WEP with MAC
device access control will keep casual wandering people out? That has
to be better than nothing?
By the sound of things, Wi-Fi causes more potential problems then it
may solve. I am not a security specialist, I wish I was. I use the
internet to purchase a lot of stuff, my Newton was bought off eBay and
paid for with PayPal. But I understand the connection is encrypted,
when I am logged in.
I will try to implement 128 bit WEP and MAC address control. At least I
will have tried my best to stop hackers/intruders etc.
Kindest regards
Anil K Solanki
United Kingdom, MP 2100
On Jan 23, 2004, at 12:32, Brian wrote:
> On Thursday, January 22, 2004, at 11:53 PM,
> wrote:
>> I am unsure whether or not to try and get 128 bit WEP working, I have
>> read that 40/68 bit WEP isn't worth the hassle, but doesn't 128 bit
>> give you some security that is harder to crack, but not impossible.
> Well, it might take a little longer, but there are a couple
> downloadable sniffer/decryptor utils for Windows and Unix, there's
> really no reason to use WEP. If you don't use it, life is easier for
> you and someone who wants can monitor your stuff. If you do use it,
> life is harder for your and someone who wants can STILL monitor you :)
> It's your call.
>> Does turning WEP off mean anyone can join my network and start
>> helping themselves to my bandwidth?
> If you do not use MAC address filtering, yes. MAC (not Apple Mac,
> MAC) address filtering is a config tab in your wireless router config,
> somewhere. You type in the MAC address of the wireless cards that you
> wish to allow access to the router. The MAC address is the 00:0x:13:
> etc etc ID that is printed on the back of your wireless PC card or
> somewhere on your PCI cards for desktops.
> Your router will then only accept traffic from those cards. It's not
> perfect, MAC addresses are spoofable and it's possible for someone who
> wants, to spoof one of your allowed addresses, and then they could use
> your access point just like you can, but it's more work and so many
> people have unsecured home routers, I don't think it's likely someone
> would bother.
> HTH,
> Brian
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