From: Andrei Chichak (
Date: Fri Jan 23 2004 - 15:21:53 PST
At 05:58 PM 1/23/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>$34.62 cdn $
>good news,eh?
Eh eh? (You must be from Toronto :-) That is a good price. I just finished
rebuilding a 2100 pack and the cells cost $CDN 10 per cell for 1500mAh. I
suspect that a lot of the cost was the labor of putting on the solder tabs.
Now, since Ferdi never answered my mail, while I was specing out the cells,
I read an app note from Panasonic that indicated that NiMH cells should be
charged at at least 0.5C and less than 1.0C. Does anyone know what
charging current the Newton 2100 uses?
Since the original 2100 used 1200mAh cells, if we assume they were charging
at 1.0C, then a swap of up to 2400mAh could be done without causing the
cells to crystalize. At 0.5C, you could not go above 1200mAh cells and the
people that are selling the 2000mAh recells are doing their customers a
Andrei (Canada)
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