From: Eric Schneck (
Date: Sat Jan 24 2004 - 13:54:22 PST
Just got my new PowerBook. I installed eScale on it. I had already installed the TCP/IP Dock extension on the Newt, to allow me to use the iTunes plugin over TCP/IP with my WaveLan card. Now I am trying to sync the Newt and the PB, using the WaveLan card. It connects OK, and the light flashes about once per minute. Does that mean it is doing 1 name/minute (== 10 hours for my 600 names)? If so, that is OK, since it is a one-time thing, but I am just curious to know whether it is working.
On that topic, I have two suggestions for eScale:
1. Display the Mac's IP address on the eScale screen, so I can set Dock accordingly (Rendevous did not work)
2. How about a progress indicator on the Synchronize operation? Even a record counter would help.
Otherwise, a fantastic set of SW (eScale, Dock, and WaveLan) (Not to mention Panther, itself)
Speaking of Panther, I will soon start working on a port of the iTunes plugin. My plan is to first do a straight port of the existing code (TCP/IP only) and then add eScale support later.
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