From: Vaguely Radio (
Date: Sun Jan 25 2004 - 15:24:31 PST
On Sunday, January 25, 2004, at 06:05 PM, Rick Ludwig wrote:
> BTW - I know very well how I am in the minority on the screen size
> issue, but to do any kind of writing, I NEED a larger screen.
I agree that screen size is one of the Newton's perks - it is also in a
way its failing, as the form factor leaves much to be desired (IMO) for
something that can be easily carried around.
Here's a crazy notion: Wonder if any device manufacturers are looking
into something along the lines of a "foldable screen" - e.g., two
displays on a hinge that could be folded clamshell-style and when
opened act like screen mirroring would, to link the two displays
together into one big writing surface. That would seem to me (of
course I know nothing about hardware design) to be the simplest way of
reconciling screen size vs. form factor... And of course we'd need
something like Newton OS to run on the device, since the space would be
"wasted" on a Palm... ; )
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