From: Vaguely Radio (
Date: Sun Jan 25 2004 - 15:48:36 PST
On Sunday, January 25, 2004, at 06:40 PM, Rick Ludwig wrote:
> The problem with the folding screen is that, it wouldn't work very well
> if you would try to use it in landscape mode. (a split in the screen
> would be annoying). A rolled up screen would be the next answer, but,
> again, you would never be able to flatten the thing (i.e. similar to
> not being able to flatten the stowaway keyboard).
True, I thought of the "seam" that would be created after I posted...
then I decided I would put up with it, if it meant I could have
Newtonian screen real-estate in a device that's the cute size of a Palm
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