From: Nowhere Man (
Date: Mon Jan 26 2004 - 09:36:00 PST
Actually, I was amazed it worked. I was expecting to have to manually enter the name of the basestation, etc. My home WiFi setup is "manual" so that I can make sure the Newt always gets the same IP for my NPDS server to work. So I created a new Worksite with a generic "DHCP" WiFi setup and it worked like a charm. I didn't enter any special information. In fact I set it all up the night before without any special knowledge of the particular netowork I would be using. It was much simpler than I expected it would be.
On Monday, January 26, 2004, at 08:32AM, brian middleton <> wrote:
>>> I was at the opening as well with my 2100 and DID connect to the net
>>> via WiFi and posted to my blog while standing in line. Also fired up
>How do you connect to a WiFi Hotspot that you don't know the SSID for? I
>remember someone posting that you use PUBLIC. Is that the way?
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