Re: [NTLK] Newton ssh client

From: RAParker (RAParker_at_Quadzilla.NET)
Date: Mon Jan 26 2004 - 11:46:01 PST

About the best you could hope for (with what's currently available) is to
set yourself up your own Unix machine. You could then dial in with PT100
and use terminal emulation to start and run an SSH session from a shell
account. All the overhead for encryption is then passed on to the other

One caveat, you are dialing in and using (unencrypted) terminal emulation.
So, that sort of defeats the purpose of SSH, at least on one end of the
link. But, if you're in control of the machine you are dialing into and you
control who is allowed to dial in, you should be able to do this without
too much worry of a "man in the middle."


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On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 9:03 AM, optix wrote:
> I understand there is no such program at this moment, but would a java
> client run under the java vm on the newton?
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