From: Jim Staub (
Date: Tue Jan 27 2004 - 17:40:47 PST
I've found the software I use the most are:
NewtWorks -- the whole suite.
At a Glance -- really simplifies dates and contacts.
Anything that reduces wear and tear on the mechanicals -- e.g. power
off, eject, etc.
Some games: solitaire, jig, crosswords, chess.
Lextionary- for the occaisional definition..
Books -- download from Gutenberg and convert to .pkg via Press.
Enjoy. My 2100 is my most used computer.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Evan Scott" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 4:06 PM
Subject: [NTLK] Indispensable Software for a 2100
> Hey all,
> I finally picked up a Newton, and some connection equipment. I've got
> everything set up and my computer is talking to the thing.
> However, I am curious. What software have you Newton aficionados found
> indispensable? I can already tell the datebook software is a little
> rudimentary fro my needs. Some suggestions in that area would be
> appreciated, as well as system extensions and such.
> Thanks,
> Evan Scott
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