From: pan1k (
Date: Mon Jan 19 2004 - 01:05:47 PST
You don't even need a G3 PB.... say a 3400c or 1400 would do the job
nicely.. and they can be had for under 200.. oh and HI WOO!
On 01/19/04 13:33:00, Woo Lee wrote:
> I wish I had one to trade. But ebay and recycler has some early G3
> PB's
> for $200.00+ or some students might be willing to trade a family
> hand-me-down PB for your Win laptop. You never kbow.
> ------------------
> >AFAIK, but you could trade you're Win98 for a PB233 or even an
> iBook.
> HTH!
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