From: Donald T. Stewart, MD (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 00:10:36 PST
-----Original Message-----
Subject: [NTLK] Possible Newton Alternative? X11 on Zaurus?
Okay, so what would it take to make a Newton window manager for an X11
Obviously NewtonScript and such would not necessarily be part of it,
but it should be possible to make a set of Newton-esque apps that work
in a similar manner as the original, right?
The Io programming language is NewtonScript-like
and should compile under X11 on the Zaurus. It would not be impossible to
port some Newton Apps to the Zaurus using this. The C-7xx series Zauri
offer a 640 x 480 color touchscreen, a keyboard, and both CF and SD slots in
a tiny form factor (3.25" x 4.75" x 0.75") with a convertible clamshell
case. The biggest problem with the Zaurus right now is poor PIM apps.
Donald T. Stewart, MD
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