From: L A GREEN (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 07:01:27 PST
WELL actually you wouldnt have to make changes for every network just new worksites for each place. then as you go from place to place u change the worksites and wala. unless i missed something that should do the trick. very littel bother after u have made the new worksites. and how many places do u go to and linger long enuff to use the wifi that you would actually need to make a worksite for? if you are only doing it just to see if it works then yes that could get a little annoying, but lets say you go to the same starbucks once or twice a week for an hour or so that would be worth the alternate worksite i would think.
Keyes Kurt <> wrote:
I would like to know the same thing, as far as roaming with a wireless
Does one need to change the settings in the Newton for every distinct
network? Like Starbucks, for example?
For me, having to make changes for every single network out there would
make surfing on the Newton a real pain and not worth the trouble.
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