From: Dan (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 09:57:34 PST
-----Original Message-----
From: Oliver Isaac
Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 10:04 AM
Subject: [NTLK] Dock Problem
>For those of us out there with 2100s
>I have an app in my dock called formula Gen 2
>I had it in my dock until the demo expired but now that the demo
>expired I can not remove it from my dock. Does anybody know of any ways
>to get rid of it?
Well if you can't drag it off of the dock when you have extras open it can
be one of two things. First if the app is not letting you for some reason
becuase it is expired, then set your newton clock back to before it expired,
restart newt, then drag it from dock into extras. If that is not the
problem then you must have something like Gesture Launch that won't let you
move things around in the dock when it is enabled. If it is Guesture Launch
freeze the package Barkeep and then you can remove things from the dock/bar.
If that is not the app that is *locking* it, then freeze all your apps till
you find the one that is, and then remove the offending app via dragging to
the extras.
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