From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 10:10:04 PST
>Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 08:41:45 +0100
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] Car Trouble: MPG - how to set liters and km instead of
>From: Jon Glass <>
>Of course, if one were dumb like I was, and bought a US car, then one would
>need my little conversion spreadsheet I made in Newton Works... I enter the
>liters, miles, cost per liter, and exchange rate, and get both metric and US
>imperial results... Pretty nifty, if you ask me. The only problem is, I
>don't get a running record that way, so I use GeekGas to keep a running
>record of my fuel consumption... :-)
>If you use NewtonWorks and can receive emails, can I email you this
>spreadsheet? All you would have to change are the values for the entry just
>once, and remove the exchange rate info, and then you have the essentials in
>one place. Email me off list if you are interested...
Well, would be swell if I weren't on NOS 2.0. D'oh.
Thanks anyway!
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