From: Anil (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 12:02:30 PST
Thanks for that Bruce,
Very interesting can't wait to see how this flexible technology will
impact on our lives when they start making products.
Regarding Steve Jobs, I don't think Steve Jobs hates PDA's, and in my
opinion he didn't axe Newton to get back at Sculley. I think he did it
because Apple was in dire straits financially, and he wanted to focus
all the companies efforts and resources into the product that would
eventually save Apple from going under, namely the iMac.
If he hadn't done that Apple would have gone under or been snapped up
by some of the bigger fish (Sharks).
Just my opinion.
Kindest regards
Anil K Solanki
United Kingdom, MP 2100, MP 130
On Jan 28, 2004, at 18:05, Bruce E. Durocher II wrote:
> I know that Steve Jobs dislikes PDA's, but wouldn't this be nice if it
> was used with a user interface and handwriting recognition like the
> Newton has?
> FNewPressRelease.asp?lArticleId=3038&lNodeId=13
> Bruce E. Durocher II
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