From: Dan (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 14:25:52 PST
Oh yes that is a good package as well. Also the WriteStuff by landware
does almost the same thing but also incldes typefaces, character picker and
PowerPoint The only thing that WorksBetter has that WriteStuff does not is
Headers and footers. Oh and Worksbetter will also add lines to the
background like Notepad has. The only problem with Worksbetter is it does
"play well" with other Newtonworks packages and you need to freeze all the
extra works packages you are not using at the moment or you get error
messages (at least in my experence).
-----Original Message-----
From: Woody Smith <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Indispensable Software for a 2100
You hav already received many good suggestions but I would add
Worksbetter adds functionality to Newtworks and worth the cost
If you like More Info but think its too expensive, make them an offer.
Timetrax is also a nice calendar viewer
NewtsCape is not just a web browser, I use it to save newton books as
works documents when the print is too small for me to read
On Tuesday, January 27, 2004, at 06:06 PM, Evan Scott wrote:
> Hey all,
> I finally picked up a Newton, and some connection equipment. I've got
> everything set up and my computer is talking to the thing.
> However, I am curious. What software have you Newton aficionados found
> indispensable? I can already tell the datebook software is a little
> rudimentary fro my needs. Some suggestions in that area would be
> appreciated, as well as system extensions and such.
> Thanks,
> Evan Scott
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