From: Bret Feinblatt (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 16:10:50 PST
Now, that is one sick bastard.
Besides, he probably could have just waited a year or so for some
computer maker to (once again) make a cheap copy of Apple's latest
And the guy got it for the holidays! Does he even have any idea of how
much it cost his parents?
That is a big f*ck you if I ever saw one.
Kid needs to be bitch-slapped big time.
On Wednesday, January 28, 2004, at 05:41 PM, Ray Zschau wrote:
> There are some requirements that need to be met before purchase.
> Consumer must hold Dell in high regard.
> Must have an unlimited bank account.
> I.Q. cannot be greater than 50.
> Having been the result of inbreeding is optional.
> Man, some people
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