From: Dan (
Date: Thu Jan 29 2004 - 12:07:14 PST
No question is dumb if you don't know the answer. :)
Well it depends on what you want to do. If you just want to look at them
probably make a newton book using Press (graphics need to be Black and White
or 16 greyscale (if you are importing to a MP2000 or emate) and in BMP or
PICT format (depending on if you have a Mac or PC). If you want to have it
as a full slide show, get photoshow by Landware. That also comes with
X-port lite so you can directly import BMP or PICT images. Or get X-port
itself and import (or export) BMP or PICT images into the notepad where you
can drag them into the clipboard and do anything with them from there (put
them into Newtpaint for editing or moving into a clipart album etc).
-----Original Message-----
As long as I am asking a lot of "dumb" questions, what are the EASIEST ways
to get graphics onto my Newton from my desktop pc? What formats are
Thanks in advance.
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