Re: [NTLK] [CONF] Worldwide Newton Association & Conference News

From: keith (
Date: Fri Jul 23 2004 - 02:38:10 PDT

Sometime around 22/7/04 (at 9:23 am +0200) Paul Guyot said:

>Hi all,
>Here are a couple of news about the Worldwide Newton Association and
>the Worldwide Newton Conference.
>First, I did write a page about the venue of the conference. It can
>be found here:

Hi Paul - would it be possible to put a link to
in the home page for I'm sure many people will
miss the difference between www and wwnc and end up at the regular
NewtonTalk home page with no apparent link to the conference pages.

(I'm hoping that the conference will get a mention in MacUser in a
couple of weeks. The wwnc URL is in place in the text right now,
although it might get cut. But if it stays I'd lay bets that half the
people reading it will assume the address begins with www without
noticing the difference. :-)


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