From: Bill Miranda (
Date: Sun Jul 25 2004 - 09:35:22 PDT
1. Landscape is sideways - where the newton is wider than it is tall.
Portrait is vertical where the Newton is taller than it is wide. I'm
using Avi's backdrop program on my Newt as the main screen so I don't
know if this is a feature of that program or the Newton OS but on my
Newton there is a little oval "button" on the screen in the bottom left
corner that says "rotate". That's how you switch.
2. I think Heap is the system memory. I know you can read about heap in
the FAQ.
3. I dunno
Bill Miranda
Richardson, TX
On Jul 25, 2004, at 11:10 AM, Vincent Juliano wrote:
> Hi i am a semi newbi to the newton and i am reading about it and am
> reading some vocab that i dont quite understand.
> 1. What are landscape mode and protrate mode? How do i switch modes
> 2. What is the heep?
> 3. What is a super cap?
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