Re: [NTLK] NCU with Panther, WikiWiki

From: Berthe M. Willumsen (
Date: Sat Mar 13 2004 - 02:31:44 PST

In the HowTo section on the wikiwiki pages, I have placed an edited
version of my post on what I do to get NCU with Panther

If you knowledgeable folks have the time, could you take a look and evaluate

1: glaring mistakes and typos (feel free to edit)
2: important stuff left out that will render the information useless
3: Is it acceptable use to ask others to fill in bits that are
useful, but separate, info?
4: Is this what wikiwiki is for (but tell me gently, which, I have
seen, is the norm for this group...)

...(I had a Eudora question I put in the relevant Newsgroup - boy,
was I made to feel dum - basically the answer was GIGO (Garbage In,
Garbage Out))...

Denmark, MP2100
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