[NTLK] A word makes Newt go crazy...

From: Berthe M. Willumsen (bmw_at_biobase.dk)
Date: Wed Mar 17 2004 - 07:59:05 PST

When I write a particular word ('overs') the Newton starts firing
sounds rapidly (pling, pling, pling, pling, pling, many times over
the sound for error message boxes). It gives error messages that
vary: -48220, -48000 (expected a frame, array or binary object), +
214443076, 21484880,.... When I try to close the error message box,
it sometimes changes to 83, but I often have to restart with a soft
It hapens both if I handwrite and when I use the screen keyboard. It
does not happen if the 'over' is separated from the 's' by a space.

This has never hapened before - and I have written that combination
of letters several times (I have three instances in Notes right now)
in the past.

Please, anyone know what is happening?

Denmark, MP2100
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